Roulette has long been one of the most popular games in traditional casinos. Recently, however, it has garnered some new fans–and some new controversy–by being converted to an online version as well. While online roulette has also gradually been gaining popularity, some fans are worried that the online game will not be able to live up to or match the appeals offered by the traditional version.

Valued Aspects of the Game
A recent survey of roulette players sought to discover what it is about roulette that is so enticing. Players stated that the glamorous environment of the casino itself, and especially of the roulette table, was one of the main draws. They also cited the thrilling aspect of the game (which is based on luck) as well as its fast pace. With this information in hand, many online casinos have attempted to replicate this experience in their software and web-based roulette games.
Online Versions
To recreate the appealing environment of roulette, online casinos have started using 3D technology and sharp graphics to make the game seem as realistic as possible. They have also added a few extra bonuses to the game to ramp up the thrill factor, which diminishes a bit when you’re playing from your living room instead of the casino floor. The online casinos have also managed to keep the fast pace of the game intact.
While creators of online roulette have been making a valiant effort to simulate the experience of playing traditional roulette, the fact remains that these are really two different games. Each has its own appeal at a certain place and time.